Friday, March 6, 2009

Interview With Seth From Hells Kitchen Season 5


Seth from Hell's Kitchen

Interview With Seth From Hells Kitchen Season 5

Q. Mark, What’s up Seth how’s your interview circuit going so far?
A. Seth, Hell’s Kitchen Season 5: It’s pretty crazy and it’s new to me. 

Q. Mark, We know you’re a big Ramsey fan, was this the first time you applied?
A. Seth, Hells Kitchen Season 5: This was first time I applied and it was very random. I was actually walking down the street one day and passed the line to the open casting call, when I found out what it was for I jumped in line and here I am.

Q. Mark, So applying was random, I thought you were a huge Gordon Ramsey fan?
A. Seth, Hells Kitchen Season 5: I did see a few episodes in the past but once I started moving through out the interview process I bought one of his books an started reading up on him, that’s how I got my knowledge.

Q. Mark, We’re happy at how you were portrayed?
A. Seth, Hells Kitchen Season 5: It’s portrayed a little different but you’re seeing me say what I said and reality is reality. However, you’re seeing 40 minutes of a 24 hour day and you won’t see the best parts of our day on the show since it is called Hell’s Kitchen for a reason. I would tweak a few things if I could do it all over again.

Q. Mark, What things would you tweak?
A. Seth, Hells Kitchen Season 5: I am a private chef and I had no hands on line experience. If I could do it over again I would have taken the time to grab some line experience and I would have worked with my teammates a little better.

Q. Mark, What did you think of the women’s team from watching the episodes at home or what surprised you?
A. Seth, Hells Kitchen Season 5: We didn’t see that Lacy quit in the first episode and didn’t know that there was that much bickering going on in their kitchen.

Q. Mark, Speaking of Lacy how do you think she will do on the men’s team?
A. Seth, Hells Kitchen Season 5: I think she will have a rough time.

Q. Mark, Do you think it was your time to go or should someone else have been in your place?
A. Seth, Hells Kitchen Season 5: I think Colleen should have gone home and I also think it would have been cool if Chef swapped me with Lacy and tossed me on the women’s team.

Q. Mark, I love eggs, what was in this special scrambled egg recipe you said Chef Ramsey loved so much?
A. Seth, Hells Kitchen Season 5: I actually made that comment prior to see all the kids come in. The recipe is a more mature French style recipe that wasn’t suited for kids.

Q. Mark, Thanks for chatting with us today.
A. Seth, Hells Kitchen Season 5: No problem, thanks for having me.

(Photo courtesy of FOX)


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Hells Kitchen Season 5 Episode 3 Recap

Hells Kitchen wasn't on for one week, so this week, we are only on episode 3. The last episode, we saw Ji go as she had hurt her ankle, even though Colleen and Lacey were both very weak.

This week begins, as usual, with a challenge. Of course, the gals aren't happy that Ji went and they wish that it had been Lacey. Andrea(who I do not like) wishes that Lacey had hurt her ankle instead, which I thought was a bit mean. I don't like Lacey either, but she is still in the competition. Back to the challenge. The cooks are taken to a meat processing plant and the girls are so disgusted by the sight of the meat( I mean, if you want to be a chef, you are supposed to be used to the sight of RAW MEAT!!!). They are given a test afterwards to point out all of the different cuts of meat on a cow and the guys win.

The girls have to bring in a cow and cut it up. I have to laugh at the big fuss they make about doing it.(Watch the Clip Above!) Chefs have to handle all sorts of raw things and I would think that it ain't a big deal. They are then given the offal from the cow to eat and then they start vomiting etc. I have to say that I was surprised at so called cooks vomiting. It reminded me of Fear Factor except that these are people who want to be chefs and they are so disgusted by offal which they will have to deal with if they are going to be chefs. Pathetic. Meanwhile, they guys are tasting wine and having a nice dinner while the ladies moan and whine.

The chefs are all back in the kitchen and the service is going to begin for the evening. One team has to serve he food while the other cooks it and vice versa. The girls do well and the guys are under pressure to cook the steaks etc as hells kitchen is transformed into a steakhouse. Ben surprises everyone by bringing dessert before the main course is even served. Then Giovanni, who works in a steakhouse messes up every steak he cooks. Lacey, meanwhile, is messing up her orders and Jean-Phillipe is not impressed. Seth is cutting a fillet steak and he messes up and wastes some of the most expensive cut of beef. Chef Ramsay is furious with him. Then it is the guys turn to serve and the gals head into the kitchen for their service. Charlie messes up with his service and he forgets everything and generally screws everything up. Colleen can't even remember what she is cooking and food begins to return to the kitchen. The guys lose and Charlie and Seth are up for elimination. Chef Ramsay eliminates Charlie(pictured above) as he really screwed up .

That's it for another week. What will happen? Will Lacey finally get kicked off? Will Seth do something right for a change? Let's find out next week when I recap another episode of Hell's Kitchen!


'Hell's Kitchen' battle for Borgata spot heats up

Being chosen from a crowd on a TV show usually leads to good things; that is, unless it’s episode five of “Hell’s Kitchen” and done by chef Gordon Ramsay.

Given the choice to eliminate J or Andrea from season five of FOX’s “Hell’s Kitchen”, host Ramsay went outside the rules of his cooking contest Thursday night, picking the contestant he picked on most – the bit-too-dim, little-too-sunny Colleen.

The spunky cooking instructor from Nebraska, who Ramsay once called a thief for robbing her students of learning and money, left without the grand prize – a one-year, $250,000 contract as the next executive chef at Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa Resort in Atlantic City – but took home something possibly even more rare: praise from Ramsay.

In a few parting words, Ramsay characterized the 41-year-old chef as fiery and strong.

Andrea of Reading, Pa., who had asserted herself as team leader of the unisex Red Team, tasted her first bit of public criticism from Ramsay and her teammates, disappointing them by burning too many beef Wellingtons at the meat station.

In an attempt to dodge criticism, Andrea swept the steaks under her working table and pressed on with new steaks, but her teammates found out, keying on her station after several meat entries were backed-up.

J manned the meat station for the Blue Team – who made its debut with former Blue Team outcast, Lacey – and performed just as poorly, calling it the worst performance of his cooking career. Ramsay agreed, but compared with J’s previous forays, it was only shades worse.

For the second straight episode, disappointing efforts from both teams led Ramsay to close Hell’s Kitchen early, thus never appointing a winner. Since no team lost, no team had to nominate two of its members for elimination.

Instead, Ramsay had the episodes’ standouts – Giovanni of the Blue Team and LA of the Red Team, both of whom whipped up praiseworthy risotto for appetizers – send up a teammate.

It came down to Andrea and Colleen on the Red and J and Robert on the Blue, but as Ramsay pointed out Thursday night, he has the power of veto.

Also for the second consecutive night, the Blue Team lost the initial challenge: a best-out-of-three cook-off with an Asian-fusion theme. Ramsay complimented Paula on her tuna dish, one of the best he says he’s ever had on the show.
